a word from Father Tyme
I was one of the people deceived by Obama. I whole heartedly supported him and the Democrats in Congress in 2008. Sadly, my faith in the President and the Democrats in Congress has been dashed.
I knew politicians lie; it’s inherent in their demeanor. I knew they exaggerate. I knew they take money from special interests to influence voting.
But I didn’t expect, after the 8 years of the disdainful, criminal Bush Administration that a man who touted himself a Democrat would continue the policies and deceitfulness of the Bush years.
I knew he wasn’t to be a saint but I expected him to fight, at the very least, for the core principles of the Democratic Party rather than making every wish of the Democratic opposition come true.
Many who [still] believe he is worth saving are engaging in fantasy. He has shown no indication of concern for the common American. Indeed, his actions belie the very ideals of the Democratic Party as I knew it.
These same people believe all that needs to be done to correct this age of deceit is to vote more Democrats into office in 2012. I have to remind them that there was one of the largest majorities of Democrats in the House and Senate in 2008 and they did nothing to help the American People or to fight off ANY proposals by the Republicans. On the contrary, they aided and abetted the Right in making sure business got every thing they asked for. And if they couldn’t provide it or get the Democrats to agree (or cave) to it, they made sure regulations and laws were rewritten solely for the benefit of business. And the craven Democrats allowed it to happen. The Democratic Majority (AND PRESIDENT!) had more than enough chances to make things right and have deliberately chosen NOT to work for the common American but rather allow American Corporations to dictate policy.
We are no longer a Democracy. Anyone who believes America is still one is a fool.
For those reasons and others, this blog has been set up to comment on the duplicity and greed of Obama and the Democratic members of Congress. It's a given that the Right will be treated with the absence of respect they so deserve.
Along the way, the media, other bloggers, the imbecilic Supreme Court, corporate America and those on the Right will be targeted with sarcasm, opinion, some facts and maybe even some good old political lies ala Fox News and the Right Wing Lying Machine. I may take a page or two from Frank Luntz.
It’s too late to take back America , at least in my opinion. Those who believe differently need to get of their magic carpet ride and turn off the sound machine. It’s now time to make those who did this, Republican AND Democrat, media and business pay by exposing their corruption. If one politician who sided with business over the needs of the people loses their office or one main stream media newsreader or even one CEO, lobbyist, banker or Wall Street Gangster loses their job, hopefully this blog and those who post and comment will have helped.